Welcome to Mission Hope Cebu
Best Non-Profit 2020

Partner with Calvary chapel

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Mission Hope Cebu Christmas Programs
and 2017 Ministries
Our mission is to bring Spiritual Growth,
and Hope for a better future without poverty
for every child in need.
Helping the families of Cebu, Philippines
Christmas Programs and 2017 Ministries
Mission Hope Cebu partnered for many events in December 2016 to bring Love & Hope for a future to the children. ICC Kidz Ministry partnership for event in Inayawan Cebu. Thank you ICC for your ongoing partnership. Thank you Shepherd Heart Calvary Chapel for Praise and Worship music. Thank you God for the amazing blessing to provide message for over 300 children outside the venue and for the wonderful activities, food and gifts throughout the day. For God is Good and His Love endures forever.
Mission Hope Cebu and Lapu Lapu Kalawisan Southern Baptist Church ongoing partnership for 4 years. This year special gifts were given to children that have dedicated to the MHC weekly Bible Study program. Thank you KSBC teachers and Pastor Marlo for your ongoing partnership. Thank you God for the amazing blessing to provide the Children Christmas Party with message, activities, food and gifts.
It was an Honor and Privilege to partner with Brother Roger B. Potot for the Mandaue Cebu Children’s Christmas Party with the kind courtesy of the PaxChristi Apostolate Group Headed and assisted by Brother Rudy Chavez of Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Basak, Mandaue City. Thank you for your partnership and use of the Holy Chapel for this special program.
Mission Hope Cebu and Shepherds Heart Calvary Chapel partner together for Christmas Program Ministry at Camp Lapu Lapu Elementary school in Apas Cebu for 150 children. God blessed us to provide message, games, gift prizes, worship, action songs, and food. Thank you Pastor Brian and Shepherds Heart Calvary Chapel for your ongoing partnership to bring Glory to God through the children’s School Ministry.
Mission Hope Cebu and Living Bread Ministry ongoing partnership for 4 years in Cebu City. This year MHC/LBM combined our Evangelism Outreach program children with the LBM children for a very special event with message, worship, food, and gifts. Thank you LBM teachers and Pastors Lian & Norman for your ongoing partnership and heart for the Evangelism program and bringing people to know the love of Jesus.
Mission Hope Cebu has also partner with Cebu Police Department in Schools & Prisons, Street Evangilssm, Teen Ministry where we sponsor children to school and college, new Mother’s, and ongoing Partnership with the Children Shelter of Cebu http://cebushelter.org/
Our Message to Children the Christmas was to Celebrate the Real Reason for Christmas, Jesus!
Why did Jesus come? Why did God send His son to this sometimes cruel and hard world? He sent Jesus to us so that one day, He would grow up to become a very important part of history. His life is one of truth, love, and hope. It brought salvation to all of us. Without Jesus, we would all die in our sins.
Jesus was born so one day the price could be paid for the things we have done that are wrong. The Bible says that all have sinned. We are all born with a sin nature. We do things that do not please God. Through the sins of Adam and Eve, we have all inherited that sin nature. We need to have that removed. The only way is through Jesus. Jesus came so He could die on the cross for ALL of our sins. If we believe that Jesus died for our sins, we can invite Him to come into our hearts and forgive us. Then, we are clean and made whole. We can know that heaven is a place where we can go to when this life is over. We can truly be happy at Christmas! No matter what may be happening, we can know that we are His children. We then become sons and daughters of God. Heaven will be our home one day. Look at Christmas in a new way this year. This is the year to invite Jesus into your heart. You will then have a “Merry Christmas.” The Joy and Peace you will receive will last all year as you look to God for all your needs to be met. God will provide everything we need. Jesus Is The Reason For The Season! Rejoice!!!
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
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Mission Hope Cebu bible study class brings hope and spiritual growth to the people of Cebu, Philippines.
We glorify God by providing weekly bible study food programs and basic needs to the poor and needy children and their families. It is our mission to plant the seeds of hope that they may grow through having a personal relationship with Jesus. Mission Hope Cebu was founded to bring brighter future to the people in Cebu, Philippines. We do this with regular food drives, disaster relief, housing and clothing assistance. Our bible study classes are designed to provide needed nourishment to families while teaching the importance of spiritual growth.